It's All Mental

Jayne and Jodi's story - raising awareness and preventing suicide

Everyturn Mental Health Episode 10

Trigger warning: suicide

In this episode, Adam, Chief Executive at Everyturn talks to Jayne Walsham, Project Lead for Newcastle at Baton of Hope.

Jayne tragically lost her daughter, Jodi, to suicide in 2021. Following this, Jayne has become an advocate for suicide awareness and is involved in working with Baton of Hope, a charity working towards ensuring a zero-suicide society.

‘We are part of a growing movement aspiring to a zero-suicide society, and will simply not tolerate more than 6,000 suicide deaths per year in the UK (as currently) when most suicides are preventable. We have a vision of a society where suicide and suicide prevention are openly and widely discussed, where we inspire hope through action, where people are suitably supported, and where everyone plays their part in realising this vision.’

You can find out more about Baton of Hope by visiting

An enormous thank you from us at Everyturn, to Jayne for shining a light on the story of her daughter, Jodi, and sharing her own experience as a loved one who has lost someone to suicide.

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